Wednesday, February 6, 2008

"Are you small?"

Well take a look at this and you may feel small.

For anyone that has never seen it, this is perhaps one of the most amazing images from outer space I have ever seen. I would have put the image on the page itself instead of linking it, but I don't think it does it justice.

Except for a few "field" stars, every smudge of light you see in this picture is a galaxy. And it is a picture of an incredibly small part of the sky.

If you are interested, go to the Hubble Site and download the larger, higher definition pics. These will really blow your mind.

In Defense of....

One of my friends and fellow bloggers wrote a piece a few weeks ago about one Michael Savage. Mr. Savage is pretty much an asshole. Yeah, I have listened to his show some, and there are things he says that I agree with. But on the whole, he's a tool.

Mr. Savage seems to think that not only do the Islamic radicals have a grudge with the U.S, but with him personally. He thinks that quite a bit of the liberals in the U.S. have been converted and are bending over backwards to turn this country into an Islamic state. While I agree that some of the measures, such as building private bathrooms for Muslims in schools because of religious reasons, cross the line, it's not a reason to see conspiracies around every corner.

Yes, some of the things he says are outlandish, devisive and hateful.


I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

So to end the sentence I titled this post with ...... Free Speech. Mr. Savage has a platform to speak because there is money in it. If you don't like what he says, vote with your feet. Turn it off, listen to someone else, write to one of advertisers or a station he is on. But that is about your only real response. Hell, if it was possible to just yank people off the air because of what they say, I wouldn't have heard anything from Al Franken for years. And to me, he is as much of a wack job as Michael Savage.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The attack of the buzzword

Seems everyone running for president this time around has settled on the same buzzword.


No matter who is doing the spewing, that's what is coming out. No talk about issues, nothing.

Change for change's sake is bad, mmmkay? Tell me what you think, where you stand, what your experience is. Hell, if people only want change, maybe I should run. I will lay some change on them.

If you don't believe me, turn on your favorite national news show or google some of the candidates latest speeches.

This just in : I suck at blogging.

So it has been 10 months since my last post. You would think maybe I had nothing to say.....nah.

More incoming.